Cheap, healthy snacks 😋

Hey there,

Last month I embarked on a "No Spend January"...with mixed results.

When I ordered face masks on Amazon, I accidentally bought a pair of sneakers that I'd put in my cart weeks ago.

I caved and purchased a book for my Kindle (Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult).

I treated myself to a hat and t-shirt when I was in Sedona, AZ last weekend with my high school girlfriends.

And we found out we need a roof which basically cancels out any savings from me avoiding random coffee shop drinks and on-sale sweaters.

But I learned a few things during No Spend January.

  1. I can mostly get by just fine with the stuff I already have.
  2. Everyone on the internet is trying to sell me things all the time.

One thing I didn't budget this month is food shopping.

I always operate from a place of frugality when grocery shopping, and skimping any further would be disastrous for my 17 year old, who already claims "we have no food".

I know many of you are also trying to cut costs where you can too, so I had that in mind when I wrote my new post.

It's about my kids' favorite topic (besides Star Wars): SNACKS

And mine (besides dessert): SAVING MONEY

I rounded up a big list of snack ideas that feature some of the most affordable (but nutrient-dense) foods you can find at the grocery store.

And you've probably got most of these in your kitchen already!

Tap the button below to see the list (there's also a link to an easy printable you can post on the fridge or have your kids circle what they think sounds good).

Real Mom Menu

Sunday: Sally in transit from Sedona/Guys scrounge from the fridge

Monday: Brinner (Breakfast For Dinner) French toast, eggs, smoothies

Tuesday: Hello Fresh meal: Shepard's Pie with White Cheddar Mashed Potatoes

Wednesday: Hello Fresh meal: Fully-Loaded Tofu Taquitos with Creamy Guacamole & Pico de Gallo

Thursday: Dinner from the freezer: Frozen fish + sweet potato French fries with whatever veggies are left

Friday: Scrounge Night

Saturday: Kielbasa Sheet Pan Dinner

Real Mom Reads

The Most Valuable Thing I Can Teach My Kid Is How to Be Lazy The author, a dad who has lupus that causes chronic fatigue, writes, "Some middle-aged people decry the laziness of today’s youth, but as a chronically sick Gen X parent, and as a rabbi who has spent much of my career tending to dying people as their lives naturally slow, I am cheering young people on in this Great Resignation. I have seen the limits of the grind. I want my child to learn how to be lazy."

What It Means for a Mom to Feel 'Touched Out' and How to Cope I remember this feeling. The author writes, "Honestly, I just want one full day when no one touches me—not my kids, not my partner. No one."

Real Mom Recommendations

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars: Sally and I may share a first name, hair color, and a love of all things dessert, but she has the very best recipe for cookie bars, hands down. You really should make these.

Cheer on Netflix (season 2): Can't. Stop. Watching. We also watched their other series, "Last Chance U: Basketball", as a family even though it's rife with f-bombs. The lessons, issues, and glimpses into those kids' lives was, we decided, worth it.

Stay well everyone,


ps: My trip to Sedona was perfect and magical and rejuvenating (and also: holy cow, re-entry is hard). Thank you to everyone who gave me recommendations for things to see and do there--I followed several of them. And I typed up our itinerary, which I'm happy to send your way if a trip to Sedona is in your future. Just hit REPLY and tell me!

Real Mom Nutrition

Down-to-Earth advice from a Dietitian Mom. Plus easy, healthy recipes for your family.

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