Huge list of protein snacks đź’Ş

My younger son and I eat a lot of snacks.

Sometimes I think meals are the thing we eat between snacks, not the other way around.

But have you or your kids ever eaten a snack...and then wanted another snack about ten minutes later?

Your first snack was probably missing something.


Protein-rich foods tend to be satisfying and filling.

And of course kids need protein for the crazy amount of growth and change happening to them.

If you want to make sure your snacks have more staying power, I put together a big list of protein snacks for kids (with photos) in a brand new post.

There's also a printable list in case you want to post it on the fridge or take it to the store.

Tap the pink button below to see it.

What We're Eating

Sunday: ALDI pork schnitzel w/ buttered noodles + asparagus (this was really, really good--I used the sauce in this recipe, basically just olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic, but added a splash of cream and cooked the asparagus right in the sauce. YUM.)

Monday: Scrounge Nite

Tuesday: Steak, potatoes, and rest of asparagus

Wednesday: Veggie Stir-Fry with Noodles​

Thursday: Turkey burgers w/ green salads

Friday: Scrounge or out

Saturday: Scrounge or out: The Revenge


What I Prepped For The Week

I'm trying out this new section to share what I prepped to make my week easier and yummier (and to inspire YOU to do the same). Most of these things are for my own breakfasts and lunches. Because moms gotta eat too!

  • ​Protein Waffles​
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Carrot sticks
  • Pan of roasted broccoli and cauliflower


What I Read That Made Me Think

​Why 'lost their battle' with serious illness is the wrong thing to say Other ways to think about it (and talk about it).

​Why aren’t teenagers driving anymore? I've wondered this too!




ps: What do you think about the new "What I Prepped For the Week" section--useful or...meh? Hit REPLY and tell me what you think!

Real Mom Nutrition

Down-to-Earth advice from a Dietitian Mom. Plus easy, healthy recipes for your family.

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